Authors and Illustrators Database

Gene Caesar

Born: 12/10/1927  Saginaw, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.StringHtmlContent
Died: 01/26/1986
Parents: Ernest and Eunice Caesar
Spouse: Judith May
Children: Cheryl, Craig, Jeffrey
Last known
Lansing, MI


Image Title Genre Audience Publisher Date
General statistics for the public schools of Michigan
- Co-author: Zylphia Orr; with special assistance from: Tom Wagamon, K-12 Analysis, House Fiscal Agency
Non Fiction, Michigan Adult [Lansing, Mich.] : Education Section, Office of the Speaker, Michigan House of Representatives 1979
New Equity in Michigan School Finance: The Story of the Bursley Act
- With Robert N. McKerr and James Phelps
Non Fiction, Michigan Adult [Lansing] : Senate Committee on Education 1973
Incredible Detective: The Biography of William J. Burns Biography Adult New York: Prentice Hall 1968
Rifle for rent : a dramatic true story of one of the most colorful figures of the untamed Southwest Biography Adult Derby, CT: Monarch Books 1963
King of the Mountain Men: The Life of Jim Bridger Biography Adult New York : E.P.Dutton Co., Inc. 1961
Harem Island; the astounding true story of a self-proclaimed saint who made religion a business and turned sin into a virtue
- James Jesse Strang
Biography Adult Derby, CT: Monarch Books 1961
The Wild Hunters : The Wolves, the Bears, and the Big Cats Non Fiction Adult New York, Putnam 1957
Come and Get Me
- Under the pseudonym of Johnny Laredo
Fiction Popular Library 1956
Mark of the Hunter
- Marty Jevons, on summer vacation from the university, finds his Down-river home town lacking excitement so sets off for the North Woods to hunt. He finds the thrill of adventure and love of a woman.
Fiction, Michigan Adult New York : William Sloane Associates 1953
Other writings:
- Articles for magazines such as True, Holiday, The Saturday Evening Post, Sports Afield, and Boy's Life
Non Fiction
What is the aim or goal of your writing: His first serious writing was done in the Michigan northwoods, "with miles of forest as a wall against intrusion." Outdoor life and conservation are still major interests. He became interested in writing while studying engineering as a Navy student, "Somehow found myself, in a creative writing course taught by Pulitzer Prize-winning Dr. S. I. Hayakawa." His writing interest in wild animals has been supplanted more recently by an interest in Western Americana. "America's past is more colorful and exciting than anything the human imagination could conjure up. This is especially true of the lusty, fast-paced chronicle of the West."

May inquiries be sent to you about doing workshops, readings: No

Donated books to the Authors & Illustrators database project: No



Degree Institution Location Date
B.A. in Philosophy Hope College Holland, MI 1980-1984


Position Organization Location Date
Education and School finance consultant Michigan State Legislature Lansing, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.StringHtmlContent 1968-1979
Mechanic Republic Aviation Long Island 1954-1955
Machine operator Saginaw Steering Gear Saginaw, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.StringHtmlContent 1950-1953
Free-lance magazine writer, Novelist, Historian, etc. 1949-1968
U.S. Naval Air Corps 1945-1946

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Last Modified On: 2/14/2018 12:00:00 AM